A personal driver can drive you insane

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Title of the movie: Headgivers.

Published by pcdewit
12 years ago
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Friskysocks 5 years ago
Fukking hell, hairy lad is hot!
horny_bob 10 years ago
I know this video was driving me insane with pleasure as I was jerking off to it, and it was in large part from the beginning with the hairy guys facial expressions as he was getting further and further aroused.

I'm a hairy, horny guy and a lot of times when I'm out driving I find myself needing a release very badly. I need to find a parking lot or side street with reasonable discretion to pull my pants down and just satisfy my male animal needs right there, and that's exactly what I do. I keep a soft, worn out t-shirt in the car to shoot my sperm into, in a full body orgasm. I feel calm afterward and can get my mind back on what I'm supposed to be doing. A lot of people would probably think there's something wrong with me for needing to do this. Maybe there is, but I don't think so. I definitely don't mind one bit, AT ALL!!!
Rahrahh 11 years ago
The hairy guy is perfect!
andehdulac 12 years ago
For real - who is the hairy guy? I can't find a record of this porn anywhere...
TMitchMd 12 years ago
What a ride! And they haven't even left the garage. Hot men, great action.
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